Monday, March 16, 2020

Lesson 1 - Vlog With Mr. P.

Overview and Directions: Please view the above video for my class instructions.

This will be a daily Vlog to help us keep connected as a class during this troubling time. I will always have a poem of the day, and offer daily lessons on our assignments. You will have the opportunity to comment on the blog post, and I can answer you the following day. We can also set-up class time to all be on the blog for an hour and comment together in real time.

I will address long-term assignments and we will begin new assignments together. I am looking to make this work as high interest as possible, which means the more you check-in and comment on the blog, the more input you will have on the work we do.

Today's "Poem of the Day" is from Sharon Old’s Arias, titled, “For You.”


  1. I watched your video- thank you!

  2. Thank you, Mr. P!!

  3. I love this idea! But also am really gonna miss class :(

  4. Saw the video, thanks for the update!

  5. Great idea! Can't wait for the audio book :D

  6. Hi everyone! You get first dibs. I am planning for tomorrow. Is there anything you would like me to cover? So far, I thought I would cover ACT II, and I could read ACT III on Wednesday and Thursday. I also signed up for Zoom, which is an online video conferencing site. We could select a time and meet as a class through the camera on our computers and/or phones and have an actual class! I set-up my profile page. Let me know what you would like to cover tomorrow. I will also be sure to share anecdotal stories like I do in class. ;)

  7. Thanks Mr. P! I think that's a good idea for Acts 2 and 3 going forward and I think Zoom will be an interesting experience definitely

  8. Hey Mr P. thanks for the update! I know a lot of other classes who are using Zoom and it seems like a good way that we could have our class discussions and most people say it's pretty easy to use like Skype or Facetime.

  9. Hello. I set-up a zoom account. I am just trying to round everyone up, first.

    1. Hi Mr. P, is there a set plan for when we are using Zoom?

    2. Not yet. We can make a time for next week. Hopefully more people will check-in.

  10. I saw the videos a while ago! Sorry for not commenting sooner!

  11. That was the greatest poem of the day yet, thank you Mr. P!
